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Master Ceramicist Liu Zemian's Work Drawing Sword Zhong Kui 2 佛山石湾陶艺大师 刘泽棉 作品-钟馗拔剑驱鬼(二)

Master Ceramicist Liu Zemian's Work Drawing Sword Zhong Kui 2 佛山石湾陶艺大师 刘泽棉 作品-钟馗拔剑驱鬼(二)

Regular price $4,980.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4,980.00 USD
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Works of Foshan Shiwan Pottery Master-Zhong Kui draws his sword to drive out ghosts and demons (II) 佛山石湾陶艺大师 刘泽棉 作品-钟馗拔剑驱鬼(二) (CODE: P25A)
石湾陶艺公仔大师 刘泽棉
Shiwan Ceramic Doll Master Liu Zemian

刘泽棉 Liu Zemian,
National Intangible Cultural Heritage inheritor

Male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1937, from Foshan, Guangdong. He is a representative inheritor of the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage project, Shiwan ceramic sculpture art, and a Chinese arts and crafts master. Shiwan ceramic art is mostly passed down through families, and Liu Zemian is the fourth-generation inheritor of his family.

拍卖会记录 Auction Record: RMB 1,150,000

北京保利十周年秋季拍卖会 成交价 RMB 1,150,000
7190 1985年 刘泽棉 《背扇钟馗》陶塑
估价 800,000-1,200,000 成交价 RMB 1,150,000
At the Beijing Poly 10th Anniversary Autumn Auction in December 2-9, 2015, Lot 7190 was sold for RMB 1,150,000. The lot was a 1985 ceramic sculpture by Liu Ze Mian titled "Zhong Kui with a Folding Fan on his Back", with an estimated value of RMB 800,000-1,200,000.

Dimension 23 (W长) X 16 (D 宽) X 43 (H 高) CM 厘米
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Shiwan Pottery- 石湾陶艺 (Shiwan pottery) is a type of ceramic handicraft produced in the town of Shiwan, located in the Nanhai District of Foshan City in Guangdong Province, China. With a long history dating back to the Ming Dynasty, Shiwan pottery is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and unique designs that combine traditional techniques with modern artistic concepts.

Shiwan pottery comes in various forms, such as tea sets, tableware, vases, stationery, and decorative items. Among them, Shiwan pottery tea sets are the most representative, featuring traditional handcrafted shapes, bright colors, and a rich cultural heritage. In particular, Shiwan pottery teaware has excellent heat conductivity, allowing the tea to fully brew and release its flavors and aromas.

Shiwan pottery has become an important cultural industry in Foshan, and is not only popular in the domestic market but also highly regarded internationally.




钟馗 (Zhōng Kuí) is a legendary figure in Chinese mythology and folklore. He is believed to be a god or spirit who has the power to catch ghosts and demons, and is often depicted as a fierce-looking and powerful figure. According to legend, when he was young, he was expelled from heaven because of his ugly appearance. However, he later became a powerful and brave deity who uses his sword to fight evil and protect the living.

The image of Zhong Kui has had a significant impact on Chinese culture and has been widely used in various art forms, such as folklore, novels, operas, paintings, sculptures, films and television shows. He is often invoked to ward off evil, bring good luck, and protect homes and families. In addition, many writers and artists have been inspired by the character of Zhong Kui, and he is often praised as a symbol of justice, bravery, and heroism.

钟馗(Zhōng Kuí)是中国传统文化中的一个神话人物。他被认为是捉拿鬼怪的神祇,常被描绘为一个面目狰狞,身形高大威武的神怪。传说他年轻时被选拔进入玉帝的宫廷,但因为相貌丑陋而被驱逐出了天庭。后来,钟馗成为一位神勇善战、勇猛无比的捉妖除魔的神仙,他手持宝剑,脚踩鬼头,面对魔鬼也从不畏惧。


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